Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage Treatment Plant
Sewage Treatment Plant
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Trilogy is leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter amid wide range of water treatment & wastewater treatment products.

The Trilogy Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. manufacturing wastewater treatment plants and equipment. With over fifteen years of experience in the water industry, the company has supplied municipal, industrial with advanced water treatment systems. The Trilogy offers innovative water assets to meet any environmental or technical challenge.

We services industries like Hospital, Automobile, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Pulp & Paper, Beverages, Refineries, Schools, Hospitals, Commercial Buildings, Hotels etc.

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

What is a Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)?

A sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is a facility that is a necessary part of the sewage treatment system. It is required for most municipalities, residential and industrial sewage, and it is the only way to get rid of human waste from the wastewater. Most STPs use a secondary treatment called aerobic aeration, and this process uses small aerators to produce oxygen in wastewater. As per government regulation discharging untreated sewage to the drainage system of the natural water system is illegal.

MBBR based STP Plant

What is MBBR (Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor) in Sewage Treatment Plant?

MBBR based STP plants can effectively treat hard-to-treat wastewater. Compared to other STP technologies, MBBRs require less energy and operate with a small footprint. MBBRs are also highly efficient, making them an excellent choice for wastewater treatment systems. The governing authority has published a guide for MBBR-based STP plants. The advantages of MBBR-based STP plants are numerous, and it may be worth it for you to set up MBBR based STP plant for your sewage or wastewater treatment requirements.

MBR based STP Plant

What is MBR (Membrane BioReactor) Sewage Treatment Plant?

MBR is one of the several wastewater treatment technologies available for sewage treatment today. An MBR based STP plant is one of the most effective ways to treat hard-to-treat wastewater. MBR technology uses a batch system to treat sewage water, and the treated sludge is then sent to a biological filter to remove impurities. The sludge can be used in drinking water, irrigation, and other applications. The efficiency of MBRs has made them popular in municipal wastewater treatment systems.

SBR based STP Plant

What is SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) Based Sewage Treatment?

SBR is a high-performance solution for wastewater treatment that can successfully handle batch and continuous flow operations. It is a proven technology with minimal costs and maintenance requirements. The SBR process treats the sewage water in a batch process, and the sludge is then discharged after treatment. The sludge is then sent to a biological filter for further treatment. The resulting effluent is cleaner water with fewer suspended solids and is highly sterile.