Demineralization Water Plants and Water Softner

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DM Plants
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Trilogy is leading manufacturer, supplier & exporter with extensive range of water treatment & waste water treatment products.

Trilogy offer a wide range of products and services which include STP Plant, RO Plants, ETP, DM plants, Chillers, Ultra filtration, UV, and ZLD plants, etc.

We services industries like Automobile, Pharmaceutical, Textile, Pulp & Paper, Beverages, Refineries, Schools, Hospitals, Commercial Buildings, Hotels etc.

Demineralization ( DM ) Water Plants

What is Demineralization ( DM ) Water Treatment Plants?

Demineralization water treatment plants are based on ion exchange technology and consist of two vessels filled with resin. The resins are designed to remove 99% of the ions and minerals in the water, reducing the TDS and EC. These systems are usually divided into different types depending on the size of the wastewater treatment plant. One demineralization plant uses a single vessel filled with anion and cation exchange resins to produce ultra-pure water.